סגור את תיבת החיפוש

היי האט אלקטרוני כפול 12 אינץ LEMON



היי האט אלקטרוני כפול 12 אינץ LEMON



The new Lemon hihat is a complete hihat set designed like an acoustic to give the look and feel of it’s acoustic counterpart. It mounts on any acoustic hihat stand. The hihat is compatible with all modules that support the Roland VH-11 hihat like all Roland modules, 2Box, ATV, Alesis Strike, Pearl Mimic Pro etc.

The new hihat uses top and bottom cymbals for ultra-precision hand- and footwork. Dual triggering gives the option to create a wide range of hihat sounds from close to open and positions in between.

This includes:

  • 12 inch top hi-hat
  • 12 inch bottom plate with controller
  • hi-hat clutch
  • Rotation stopper
  • Connectiing cable

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