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Welcome To  World Drummers –

Electronic drums heaven

The World Drummers company specializes in solutions and upgrades for electronic drums and converting acoustic to electronic drums.


When it comes to electronic drums, our company  offers a variety of options to enhance your drumming experience.

From e-cymbals, mesh heads, electronic pads to drum triggers and more,

we have everything you need to customize and upgrade your electronic drum kit.


Our top-selling electronic World Drummers products include:

Electronic cymbals

Drums Mesh Head

Electronic drums Pads

Kick Drum Triggers


Cables for Electronic drums

Electronic Hi-hat

Hi-hat sensor and more..

These products are known for their durability, realistic feel and response,

and compatibility with most electronic drum modules.


For those who prefer the traditional feel of an acoustic drum,

our company  also offers a wide range of DIY electronic triggers for acoustic drums.


From beginner-friendly drum sets to professional-grade options, we have something for everyone.

Our top-selling DIY triggers for acoustic drum products include UFO plates, electronic Drum pads, and electronic Cymbals.

These products are made from high-quality materials and offer a great value for money.


If you’re looking for new electronic drums or accessories, be sure to check World Drummers Company.


We offer a wide selection of products at competitive prices and

our knowledgeable staff is always available to answer any questions you may have.

Join our electronic drum revolution, along with other drummers around the world who have already done so and upgraded their electronic drums.

Electronic drums don’t have to be a solution or a compromise.

So upgrade your drumming experience today and shop our selection of electronic and acoustic drums triggers on our site!

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