Acoustic to electronic drum kit conversion (DIY)

Acoustic to electronic drum kit conversion (DIY)

Converting your acoustic drum kit to an electronic one can significantly expand your drumming capabilities, offering the versatility of electronic sounds while preserving the feel of your traditional kit. This guide focuses on using UFO trigger plates and a bass drum head with a built-in trigger to achieve a seamless and efficient conversion.

Why Convert to an Electronic Drum Kit?

Before diving into the DIY process, let’s explore the benefits of an electronic drum kit:

  1. Versatility: Electronic kits allow you to access a vast range of sounds and effects, from classic drum tones to synthesized beats.
  2. Volume Control: Practice at any time without disturbing your neighbors or family by adjusting the volume or using headphones.
  3. Recording and Performance: Easily connect to recording equipment or PA systems, enhancing your live performances and studio sessions.
  4. Space Efficiency: Electronic kits often take up less space and can be easily stored.

Tools and Materials Needed

To convert your acoustic drum kit, you will need the following tools and materials:

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Preparing Your Drum Kit

Start by disassembling your acoustic drum kit. Remove the drum heads and set them aside. Clean the drum shells to ensure a smooth surface for mounting the triggers.

2. Installing the UFO Trigger Plates

UFO trigger plates are designed to be easily installed on your drum shells. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Positioning: Place the trigger plate inside the drum shell. Ensure it aligns properly with the drumhead for accurate triggering.
  2. Mounting: Use adhesive tape or mounting pads to secure the trigger plate. Make sure it’s firmly attached to avoid any movement during playing.
  3. Connecting: Attach the trigger plate’s cable to the drum module. Ensure the cable is routed neatly to prevent interference with your drumming.

3. Installing the Bass Drum Head with Built-in Trigger

The bass drum head with a built-in trigger simplifies the conversion process for your bass drum. Follow these steps:

  1. Replace the Drumhead: Remove the existing drumhead from your bass drum. Replace it with the new drumhead that has the built-in trigger.
  2. Align the Trigger: Ensure the built-in trigger is positioned correctly inside the drum for optimal performance.
  3. Secure and Connect: Tighten the drumhead using a drum key. Connect the built-in trigger’s cable to your drum module.

4. Setting Up the Drum Module

With the triggers installed, it’s time to configure your drum module:

  1. Power Up: Turn on your drum module and ensure all connections are secure.
  2. Assign Triggers: Use the drum module’s interface to assign each trigger to the corresponding drum pad sound. Customize the sensitivity and threshold settings to match your playing style.
  3. Test and Adjust: Play each drum to test the trigger response. Make necessary adjustments in the module’s settings to ensure accurate and responsive triggering.

5. Fine-Tuning and Calibration

After the initial setup, spend some time fine-tuning your new electronic kit:

  1. Sensitivity Adjustments: Adjust the sensitivity settings on the drum module to ensure even response across all drums.
  2. Threshold Settings: Set the threshold levels to prevent unwanted triggering from vibrations or external noise.
  3. Sound Customization: Experiment with different sound samples and effects available in your drum module. Customize the sounds to match your musical preferences.

Converting your acoustic drum kit to an electronic one using UFO trigger plates and a bass drum head with a built-in trigger is a rewarding DIY project. It not only enhances your drumming experience but also offers the flexibility and control that electronic kits are known for. With careful installation and proper calibration, you’ll enjoy the best of both worlds?authentic drumming feel with cutting-edge electronic capabilities.

Embrace the fusion of acoustic and electronic drumming, and elevate your musical creativity to new heights. Happy drumming!

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